首页 > 桂林市酒店 > 桂林玉兰树下青年客栈



玉兰树下民宅 是由一栋有近30年历史的老屋民宅改建而成。 庭院内一棵枝繁叶茂的玉兰老树与“民宅”相互守望。 树影婆娑玉兰飘香, 让您不自觉地陶醉在这桂林城的“民宅”里。 “民宅”里设有宽带网、书吧、 自助厨房、洗衣、旅游咨询服务等等. 由火车站、汽车站步行只须3~5分钟即可到 Yulan Tree inn was rebuild from a old style house with 30 years of history. There is flourishing old Yulan tree in the yard. Relaxing in the shade of the tree you can enjoy the sweet fragrance of the flowers. The inn is just a five minute walk to the train station and bus terminals. We supply internet,library. self service kitchen,washer and travel information services.